Here are some resources we use as stimulus for our Zoo STEM Teach PD – take a look and see how you might use them in your classroom setting?
Please note that we only recommend picture books and resources that we use in our teaching and as part of the Zoo STEM Teach approach. All opinions expressed about these resources are our own. We use affiliate links and you’re helping our project create innovative teaching and learning when you use them! Thanks!
The founding activity from 2021 that set Zoo STEM Teach in motion.
A STEM design challenge with a heart of conservation suing the powerful picture book: Last, The Story of a While Rhino by Nicola Davies. Download this PowerPoint Presentation for an example of using World Rhino Day for STEM thinking and learning with a design and technologies focus.
Watch the 8-minute video with Zoos SA Ungulate Keeper Haidee Kinter, to inform and provide context for your STEM design challenge:
This clip we use as a stimulus for the “Red Panda Escape” task – how DID Ravi escape from the Adelaide zoo? Maths connections – measurement and science connections – habitats, enclosure design and animal needs.
For a UK setting -
Ethograms have wonderful science and maths connections. For science we use ethograms to study animal behaviour. For mathematics, we can use this data to apply statistical understandings to analyse behaviour and the impact of weather or time on behavioural aspects of animals.
Ethogram Activity
Some zoos around Australia offer wonderful, free resources for education. Here are some of our favourites:
Zoos SA:
Zoos Victoria:
Taronga Zoo:
Analysing zoo enclosures make rich links to design and technologies:
Orangutang Enclosure:
Tiger Cubs:
Enclosure Design Activity: Download
Picture Books
Picture books are well documented as a tool to increase engagement and access to STEM thinking and working (Russo and Russo 2018).
Pamela Allen
Maths Connections: Positional and locational language
Jennifer Cossins
Maths Connections: statistics and data, critical mathematics
Science Connections: endangered species
DK Books
Martin Jenkins
Maths Connections: Tiger population statistics and critical mathematics
Science Connections: Conservation, Habitats
Rod Campbell
Science Connections: purpose of zoos
Jackie French and Bruce Whately
Maths Connections: time and sequencing
Science Connections: animal behaviour
Eric Carle
Roger Priddy
Maths Connections: Positional and locational language
Science Connections: Purpose of zoos
David Macaulay
Maths Connections: Measurement
Science Connections: Physics
Technology Connections: Design Thinking
Liz Wong
Maths Connections: classification and application to classification of shapes
Science Connections: classification
Lily Williams
Maths Connections: Mapping, population numbers (data), measurement (area), critical mathematics (human impact on tiger population)
Science Connections: Habitats and habitat destruction
Nicola Davies
Science Connections: Conservation
Technology Connections: ACTDEP005 – Explore needs or opportunities for designing and the technologies needed to realise designed solutions (F-2 – Investigate and define)
Jo Weaver
Maths Connections: positional language, population and statistics
Science Connections: Conservation, habitat destruction, animal's needs
Rod Campbell
Science Connections: Conservation (F-2)
Teruyuki Komiya
Maths Connections: Measurement and Size
Owen Davey
Maths Connections: statistics about penguins
Smallman and Grey
Maths Connections: Weight of animals and weight of poo – investigation about the amount of poo for different animals and comparisons of relative weights
Science Connections: Ecology
Technology Connections: design thinking
Jennifer Cossins
Maths Connections: Number sense and counting (F-2)
Lucy Letherland and Jules Howard
Maths Connections: data and statistics and measurement
Science Connections: Purpose of Zoos
Naomi Howarth
Maths Connections: Animals weights (F-3)
Ahn Do
Maths Connections: Weight of animals and weight of poo – investigation about the amount of poo for different animals and comparisons of relative weight.
Science Connections: Ecology
Technology Connections: design thinking
What people are saying...
"In experiencing the zoo from a student and teacher perspective, I engaged with all of the non-obvious math connections there are. It was engaging to view how these resources could be turned into effective STEM activities, and why this way of learning benefits student engagement and leadership."
Third Year Pre-service Teacher
"I learnt that STEM connections are all around us, and it is important for students to be involved in real-life experiences to understand this. It is important to use practical, hands-on teaching strategies for students to gain the most out of their experience at the zoo."